Tải về phiên bản cũ dành cho APK Kodi. Kodi. Download and install old versions of apk for Android. homepage; >. Ứng dụng Android; >. Đa phương tiện và 

Enable websocket connections to Kodi via the TCP port. The WebSocket connection allows Kodi to push updates to Home Assistant and removes the need for  20 May 2020 PVR addon API documentation updates and fixes. improve bluray menu detection. allows encrypted dvd playback on ios; Add “Get all” button to  5 days ago Steps to Update Kodi on Android. Android users rely on the Google Play Store to download and  6 Mar 2020 KODI has just announced the release of 'Leia' 18.6 with major update fixing 'nasty ' problems found within the popular TV player. Here's all the  25 May 2020 The latest Kodi version 18.7 update, however, doesn't bring new features. In fact, the most recent update is all about fixing a series of issues  21 mei 2020 Versie 18.7 van Kodi is uitgekomen. Deze crossplatform-mediacentersoftware wordt ontwikkeld voor Windows, macOS, Linux, Android en iOS.

Kodi v18.4 Leia update was released and tests reveal that it works perfectly on all Android TV boxes sold by Astro TV Boxes Canada. Kodi 18 will be 

18/03/2019 25/10/2017

In case you want to update Kodi, you basically need to re-install the application. This procedure is explained in-depth via our guide on how to update Kodi. However, Windows and Android users have a dedicated script, allowing them to update their Kodi installations right within the application.

24 Apr 2019 The popular media centre software Kodi has been updated to 18.2 Leia - here's how to update Kodi on Windows PC, Mac, Android, Fire TV and  11 Sep 2019 If you installed Kodi on Android through the Google Play store, you can ignore this. Otherwise, it's definitely time for a manual update!